Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Aztec Food

The Aztecs main food sources were vegetables, goats and sheep. Corn was the Aztec main food, it was used in almost all of their dishes and even dried and ground to make tortilla shells and tamales. Other Aztec food sources were beans, squash, peas and many different herbs and spices. The Aztecs domesticated many animals such as frogs, dogs, turkeys, goats, rabbits, pigs and insects.  

Aztecs recipes have been translated throughout history and are still prominent in many Latin cultures. Many Latin dishes can be traced back to a more simple version of what they are right now. 

One of the most well known and yummiest Mexican foods, the taco, can be traced back to the beginning of Aztec civilization. The Aztecs would make a tortilla from the corn flour and fill it with things such as cooked meats, beans, corn, squash, avocado's, tomatoes and more.

Aztecs were also known for being one of the first civilizations to enjoy chocolate. The Incas, Aztecs and Mayans were known for a drink they called chocolatle. Where as the Mayans and Incas drank it hot, the Aztecs drank it cold. The Aztecs would grind up cocoa, almonds and other spices to make a what is believed to be a frothy, spicy drink that was enjoyed by everybody. 

Aztec cooking processes are much like they are today. The dish atole is still made the same as it was in the ancient times only with more sophisticated equipment. Same with tortilla's, corn soup, and other meals. 

Aztec Chocolate." Aztec Chocolate. Web. 4 Nov. 2015.
Aztec Food." Aztec Food. Web. 3 Nov. 2015.
Aztec Food & Agriculture." Ancient History Encyclopedia. Web. 4 Nov. 2015. 
Basic Aztec Facts: AZTEC FOODS." Basic Aztec Facts: AZTEC FOODS. Web. 3 Nov. 2015.